Showing posts with label Citrix XenApp 5. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Citrix XenApp 5. Show all posts

Monday 27 April 2015

Unable to Change Citrix XenApp Farm

This issue occurred to me a few years back, when we started enrolling Windows Server 2008. When I tried to change my Citrix XenApp server to another farm, CHFARM.exe crashed and I could not do it. Because I was using GUi rather than command line during that time, so I could capture below detail.

I did not have any issues in changing farm for XenApp in Server 2003, and my home lab (with Windows Server 2008) also gave a positive result. As I only can see this error on Server 2008 (security permission on my home lab was more relaxed - UAC disabled) and but not on Server 2003 (and my home lab), thus to me it was safe to narrow down the root cause to security permission on Server 2008 (to be exact : User Acess Control) that cause the problem.

Issues :

CHFARM crashed in the middle of changing Citrix XenApp farm (on Windows Server 2008).

  1.  RDP to the server, launch RUN, type secpol.msc, and press OK.

  2. (First hint) At this window, click at I want to complete this action.

  3.  Press Control+Alt+End at your keyboard to proceed.

  4. Click at Continue.

  5. Local Security Policy window appeared. Browse to Security Settings > Local Policies > Security Options

  6.  Look for this option, you will find it Enabled
    Option : User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval Mode

Resolution :

**Depending on you organization security policies, you may want to consult with your Security team first before performing these steps.

  1.  Right click at the option, and click on Properties

  2.  From Enabled, change it too Disabled. Press Apply and OK. Reboot the server before proceed to change the XenApp farm. You may want to re-enable it once done.

  3.  This explains in detail on the options. Note that Microsoft already stated that changing this setting requires a system reboot.
 p/s : You may find the option set to Not Configured. Try to check GPO applied to the server.


Monday 14 July 2014

How To Generate Configuration Logging report - XenApp 5.0 for Server 2003

In previous post, i explained on how to enable Configuration Logging on XenApp 5.0 for Server 2003. In this post, I will explain on how to generate Configuration Logging report.

Description :
Generating Configuration Logging report  - XenApp 5.0 for Server 2003.

How To Do :

  1.  Firstly, login to workstation using the ID that has access to the DB. This Citrix blog explains well on the access required.
  2.  Launch Citrix Console, right click at Report Center > choose Generate Report

  3. Choose Configuration Logging Report, and press Next

  4.  If no specification being created yet, choose Create and use a new specification, press Next
  5.  Put the connection name, in this case the connection name is ConfigLogging. Click at Create
  6.   This window popped out, at Provider tab, choose Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server, and press Next >>
  7.  At Connection tab, properly specify the server name, credential, and the database. For credential (point #2 in the picture), choose Use Windows NT Integrated security (which is why I asked to login to the machine with that particular ID as step #1). Once all done, click at Test Connection.
  8.  If everything went well, this message will pop-up. Press OK.
  9.  We will be back to this screen, press OK.
  10.  Once we finished creating connection, we will be back to this screen. Press Next
  11.  Select the required farm, press Next
  12.  This screen will appear. Choose Use all available data, and press OK.
  13.  Customize the time accordingly, and press Next
  14.  Publish the report by choosing Publish report option, and specify the location by pressing the Add button. Once done, press Next
  15.  It is always best to save the specification, so we can easily generate the report again later on. Give the specification a name, and press Next
  16.  Everything will be summarize here, press Next.
  17.  All done. You may refer to Job view within Report Center node to check the progress.

Friday 13 June 2014

How To Set up Configuration Logging for XenApp 5 for Server 2003

In this Kb, Citrix explains on how to set up a Configuration Logging for XenApp 6.5. In this 
post, I will show on how to set up the same for XenApp 5 for Server 2003.

Description :
Set up Configuration Logging for XenApp 5 for Server 2003.

How To Do :

  1.  Launch Citrix Console, right click at <FarmName>, and choose Properties.

  2.  Browse to Farm-Wide > Configuration Logging.

  3.  Click at Configure Database.

  4.  Choose connection type (in this case, it is SQL Server), DB Server name, and credential (in this case, I used Windows Integrated security). Press Next

  5.   Speficy the database name, and press Next

  6.  Leave all settings as default, but change "Use encryption" to No. Press Next

  7.  Press Test Database Connection in order to test the connection

  8.  You will see this screen if the testing is successful. Press OK

  9. Now we are good, Configuration Logging properly set up. press OK.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

How To Put Citrix Servers Out Of Citrix Load

So a couple weeks ago I had been asked by my colleague to put some of my servers out of load for maintenance. Then I was like,  "okay, just disable logon then!". Then, he made some weird face to me while saying "Fool, if you disable logon, how am I suppose to login, then? I don't want to trouble myself with console... go figure it out!".. aaaaaannd yes, I figured it out (or was I?? :D)

Description :
Put Citrix servers out of Citrix load (some sort of private mode / maintenance mode).

How To Do :

  1. From the Citrix server (or from your local machine of you has it installed), launch XenApp Advanced Configuration Console.

  2. Right click at Load Evaluator, and click at New Load Evaluator.

  3.  You will see this screen. Put a name of your Load Evaluator (ie. Out of Loads), and at the Available Rules section, click at Scheduling.

  4.  Add Scheduling Rule (you will see it moved from left section to right.

  5.  Now, at every single day, press Remove Interval.

  6.  This is the outcomes. Press OK.

  7. Now you will see another Load Evaluator created.

  8. From Citrix Delivery Console, right click at desired server, go to All Tasks > and choose Assign load evaluator.

  9. Change current Load Evaluator to the newly created Load Evaluator.

  10.  Press OK.

  11.  Now, whenever users want to access applications resides in that server, users will see this. Therefore, it is best to configured other servers to host the applications, so it won't interrupt users' experiences.


Friday 14 February 2014

CHFARM Failed on Windows Server 2008

I got this issue when I want to perform change farm on one of my Citrix XenApp farms. The installed version is Citrix XenApp 5 for Server 2008. I have not encountered any issue before while using Windows Server 2003, so I believe this issue is somehow related to the differences between those 2 Windows versions, well, particularly the UAC. 

Issues :

  • CHFARM utility failed in the middle, with below error :


  • It is due to UAC permission, it blocks CHFARM utility from properly running because it ran in Admin Approval Mode.

Resolution :

  1. Go to Start > run, and type secpol.msc

  2.  When you see this UAC permission control screen, choose I want to complete this action option, and press Ctrl + Alt + End as requested after that.

  3.  Press Continue 

  4.  Browse to Security Options as below

  5.  Search for this option :
    User Account Control : Rul all administrators in Admin Approval Mode

  6.  Right click at the option, and choose Properties
  7. At here, choose Disabled,press Apply and OK

  8. Below screen will explain why on this setting. Once everything is good, press Apply and OK.